Sending people home and then turning off Netflix, what's wrong with Switzerland?


Doesn't that provoke unrest when you take away the entertainment from people?


Nothing at all. The streaming services can simply overload the network. There's no capacity left for important things.


So no unrest is not important enough?


Keeping the economy going is more important than any streaming service. Or do you have another opinion?


Netflix is not the navel of the world. There's something else you can do at home other than being on Netflix all the time. This does not cause unrest. Unrest arises when people go hungry or when prices go up, but not when some form of entertainment is temporarily unavailable for understandable reasons.


No, the "hunger for entertainment" is not essential for survival. More of a quirk of modern times.


What do you do if you have to stay at home all day long? Online shopping, Netflix, checking emails, listening to podcasts and surfing a bit. The problem: All of these activities require the Swiss network, which is already heavily burdened by home office and online lectures. The uvek could therefore be streaming
ban during office hours.

Even those who really don't know what to do (anymore) will arrange themselves. And it's ONLY about streaming, NOT the whole internet!



You won't believe it, there's life without Netflix! The reason for the shutdown would of course be the congestion of the network.

I was older than we had the first black and white television at home. There were phones on the wall at home. Internet? Completely unknown, was invented much later! Social media came later.

I don't have an account on such a platform. Why also, life is "more lifelike" without social media. You really have people in front of you.

So live pure again!

Tell son


To be honest, I would not have expected the username to have any idea how it could harm a country's economy, let alone to what extent.

I also notice with us (Austria) how the network connection slows down every day, so home office is not much fun anymore, think that it would also help with us if such streaming services at least for certain times (e.g. 09:00 - 17: 00:00) deactivated.


Please read this article


If there's really unrest because people can no longer watch Netflix and the like, then humanity is going down the drain anyway… There are actually other forms of entertainment. For example, the good old book, since almost everyone can read.


Thank you