Is there an overview of movies by studios on Netflix?

- in Movies

As there will be no more Disney and Fox movies on Netflix soon, I'd like to take the opportunity to check out some more before it's too late. So I'm looking for a list of movies that filter by the appropriate studios.

Alternatively, maybe someone knows something from their own experience. In particular, I'm looking for a bit more sophisticated movies, as well as films "that you must have seen".

It would be nice if somebody could help me.


There are no movies, series you have to see. There are no books to read and there are no games to play. No poems written, no music heard, no pictures painted and no places visited.

For Netflix Germany I know no such overview pages. For Netflix USA there's (scroll to TV Network and Franchise)

The lists could with Netflix Dtl. Countercheck (if not directly then indirectly via