Are there training camps for young people abroad (such as agent training) abroad?

- in Movies

I watched a movie in Netflix and I want to see how the people in FIlm want to shoot well. I want to become a private agent and do missions.

For that, I would like to attend a 1-month training camp in Brazil, Colombia, Thailand, Vietnam, Argentina or Ecuador.

Are there such training camps? I would like to be called then everything pays the commissioner fly in business class to the destination country and accomplish the mission with a wrong identity. After the mission I get a suitcase with cash (50,000 US dollars) and my real passport. Then I dive and fly home.

I want to live like in the movies.


Something like that is only in the movie or in the novel…


There's no such life as in movies.

And "private agents" do not exist, and if they do not do "missions."



And what do you dream of at night?

A movie is a movie is a movie! This has nothing to do with reality!

Blessed are the poor in spirit!


The question is a troll post by "ArunKong", the profile is already blocked.


Thank you. I already saw it.