I'm looking for film recommendations that are on prime or netflix, namely films that make you think so films that you think about for hours afterwards.
I could use Midsommar as an example, which is probably a bad example because the film becomes unrealistic for me from a certain scene onwards, I don't want to spoil it, but in the first third about something happens where the behavior of the main characters at least breaks everything for me but in itself the film gave me something to think about and i also liked the setting.
Please not too blatant films because hereditary is too much for me but it can go in the direction of thriller mystery horror etc only it should stay understandable and not drift off completely, so I don't mean that there should be no vampires because they don't exist rather that the group splits up in a dark forest, for example, even though someone is already dead, something destroys the feeling for me.
and best of all something that introduces you nicely into the scenario at the beginning and doesn't get too lengthy at the beginning towards the middle it can get lengthy when you're "caught".
I'm looking forward to suggestions
The Prestige
High life
I think prime also has Mulholland Drive but it's pretty crazy.
I've already seen the shaft that I thought was really good until the end