Is it true that the movies are immediately made available on Amazon or Netflix by the Corona Virus, if so which ones?

- in Movies

Is it true that the movies are immediately made available on Amazon or Netflix by the Corona Virus, if so which ones?


Hmm, there have always been films ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜Ž



Some films such as "The Invisible" can be rented from Amazon for 18 euro.


Why should that be so? Where does this information come from?


18 euro, have you committed yourself?


No. 17.99 if you want to know exactly. ^^


Who borrows a film for this price?


Wellโ€ฆ I definitely don't. ^^

The film would normally run in the cinema. If you saw him there, you would spend money on fuel, cinema tickets and possibly snacks. That would give you around 20 euro, if not more. But the premium comes mainly because we can see it at home earlier.


OK, I haven't thought that far yet.


Is not so bad. If you are not really into the topic, understandable. For me, on the other hand, My films and TV series as well as my hobby also have my sources and pages where I hang around. There came the news a few days ago that some films should come directly into the home video area.


It is not certain yet. It may be that some film studios resell their films to streaming services. So z. B. The Lovebirds is expected to come to Netflix, which was supposed to come to the movies. Also Onward, who was already in the cinema (recently) is supposed to come to Disney Plus. A movie could come to Netflix.


Yes, some films will be available online. Which one is not yet absolutely confirmed. However, one-time borrowing will cost around 20 euro.