Looking for a film without knowing the title?

- in Movies

I'm looking for a film but I don't remember the title. I watched him on Netflix once but didn't finish because it was in the evening and I should go to sleep the next morning I found him more on Netflix. Maybe you can help me. The film was about a teen boy with one but they went to a party and there was an argument and the girlfriend broke up. He then went to the toilet and there was also a girl who was single and then asked him if they wanted to go together and then they went (they drove her car) and were then at another party where they drank something to have. They then drove to her house and had something with each other (were together at the pool and also kissed etc.) (her home was a villa) the next day he went home and his girlfriend apologized to him and they were back together when they were at school there was this girl (her name was Holly but she knows the names of others more than that) she was the new one at school and she always wanted something from him. Until then I had looked and then had to switch off help


The film is called: You get me


Omg thank you