Title of new series on Amazon Prime wanted?

- in Movies

Content of the trailer in the advertising breaks: An initially very shy black (Will Smith? Nee, …), who in a hair salon at first bows to customers and in the end is totally relaxed, the front of the window passing female security with the hair dryer "shoots"… Me would like to know the title of the film / series.

Because the superimposed title "marvelous misses maisley" is fundamentally wrong, I already know the series, both seasons, and they certainly will not act on it!

You would help me a lot. Does not matter if it runs on Prime or Netflix, I need the title please


What you are describing is the advertisement for "The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel" and no new series.

The hairdresser from the commercial decides to prove to himself and everyone what's in him - just like the lady in the show. This behavior is only aroused when he watches the series "The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel", as shown at the beginning of the ad. He feels inspired by the series and gets looser from episode to episode he looks at.


Thank you. I had seen the advertisement only with a "half eye" and thought that the trailer would be a new series… Because potential would have had quite.