Watch movie or wait?

- in Movies

I would like to watch a movie on Netflix, problem: I don't have a TV in the room - everyone else already has parents, big sister, little brother and there's one in the room

My mother is now looking downstairs - I can't look through it and she is not leaving now

I could watch the film on my cell phone - Disadvantages: no snacks, rather small screen… Advantage: can watch immediately

Or wait and hope - disadvantage: don't know if I can still watch… Advantages: snacks and drinks, large screen

What would you do?


Wait and save on your own TV. Can't be the only one you can't get a TV. You can eat snacks on your mobile phone just like you can on TV XD


Only you can answer this question.

If you are more comfortable and nibbling on the couch with a large TV - wait.
If you can't take it out of curiosity and nervousness, you have to put up with it and give up the advantages of a couch. On the positive side: you are looking straight away ^^


Brother I only look at the cell phone that is not a problem you can also use your cell phone somewhere against stelae in the heights and eat snacks and so on but are not restricted except for the Wi-Fi and charging cable


Talk to your family. Maybe someone wants to watch and snack.


I might get one in 6 months… I don't understand either my brother is 4 years younger and has one… And I don't eat in my room.


If there's injustice, I would break a few rules and just eat the snacks in the room.


Better not - once I had banned cell phones for 10 days: /




I would just look at the cell phone, I often did it with snacks, just put it somewhere, e.g. A table (but headphones are required), then a support behind it and not to slip a thin cloth and you're rdy.


PS. Which movie are you watching?




To all the boys ps: i still love you

this is the second part of to all the boys i loved before came out 2 days ago.


Okay thank you Have fun if you watch the movie later.