What can you wear for carnival (topic is in the text)?

- in Movies

On February 22nd there's a carnival party with me in the city with the theme: from Hollywood to Netflix your film shows (r) icks.

Of course I don't go there alone, but with 4 girlfriends and we would all like to go in a partner look somehow, but we can't think of a costume or an idea how to dress for it. Maybe you have a few ideas and would like to share them with me?! But if you have to buy the costume (and can't design it yourself), then please no more than 20 euro.


Are you at the Antonianum?

I would get an evening dress or cocktail dress and wear an updo.


No why?


Then the topic is probably popular this year.


Oh oha, but no we're not there.


Flight attendants, nurses or doctors, double Hannis and Nannis, frogs, bees, kittens, panthers, daisies, sunflowers, Little Red Riding Hood, cheerleaders, football players, …

You could be anything from all professions, from the flora and fauna, fairy tale characters, from films and the sports world…

As a cover, a leggings and a matching shirt, a headscarf, a hat, a sash or homemade ears are usually enough…