V for Vendetta on Netflix?

- in Movies

I watched V for Vendetta on Netflix two months ago. I tried again about a month ago when I visited my family because I don't have a Netflix myself. I really wanted to show you this great film. However, the film was no longer there or you could search as you wanted, but the film could not be found. Strangely enough, according to Google, the film is on Netflix, if I understand that correctly. My sister said that she had seen something like this before. Can someone check if this film is still on Netflix in your account? If so, why couldn't we find him?


That happens frequently. Netflix only has rights for most films / series for a limited period of time. After that, they are no longer available. I just watched the film is out.

Unfortunately, this happens every now and then.


:'( Thank you


Netflix is not an Amazon. If a movie is out of Netflix, it is completely gone. At Amazon you can usually still borrow or buy it. I bought V times when it was available for 4 euro. I can always stream.


You can see where it is everywhere. Unfortunately, they have no monitoring functions that tell you when something is somewhere or falls below a certain price.

On werstreamed.es you can activate it first when you create an account.