Snowpiercer film now as a new Netflix series! - But where's episode 3?

- in Movies

I saw the original Snowpiercer film a few years ago. Now I received a Netflix email yesterday with a few new series, one of which was Snowpiercer.

At first I thought that they would simply offer the film there, but what they are offering is a brand new series that is based on the old film Snowpiercer!

There's already a season with 2 episodes. Are there more episodes like ep. 3,4,5… Or is there a new season? Because most of the series on Netflix I'm used to the season being released completely.

Is Snowpiercer an exception or do I have to expect season 2 to continue after episode 2? Because the series is not over after episode 2! I can definitely say that much.

What do you think of the new series and can you tell me something about episode 3 or season 2 that are not yet available on Netflix?


There's an episode every week.

I haven't watched the series yet, but I'm starting Saturday.

I found the film great, to the end.


I've always liked trains and I also like end-time movies and Snowpiercer was the best combination!

But I really hope that the new series has nothing to do with the film Versiuon or the fate of the train at the end…

Fortunately, this hope is also supported by the big differences compared to the film version from 2013 !:

Mr. Willford was an old man in a bathrobe who was the sole operator of the Lock in the film version, while Mr. Willford in the new version is a woman who controls the Lockomotive together with a crew.

The new Lockomotive now resembles a realistic, modern command center with windows and many technical instruments, while it used to be such a strange empty room with a dining table without windows and without technical instruments that looked like a SiFi solarium to me (I mean WTF?!)

Snowpiercer film now as a new Netflix series - But where s episode 3

In the new part there are already a few large avalanches that have rammed the train sideways, but in comparison avalanches do not immediately lead to the end of the train and the whole of humanity. But the "mighty machine" has to endure something like this and only suffers little damage from an avalanche: like the damage in the butcher wagon…


Netflix always puts its own series of all episodes online immediately and if the ones you have bought are older.
However, this series is a series of the TNT broadcaster and is currently shown on television in America. Netflix can't and shouldn't bring the consequences sooner than this broadcaster. So there's a new episode every week.

No one can say anything about episode 3 because it only runs on TNT on May 31st.