TV too pale, not a deep black?

- in Movies

I bought a 50 inch Blaupunkt from the Real.

The colors in films are really bad, as if a gray veil is over everything as if the contrast were too high.

Picture settings, I can only change if I'm in the menu so I have no direct comparison.

In the Netflix app is super deep black, as soon as I click on a series / film again no full black.

I'll go through soon.

Internet only provides answers like "comparisons" maybe someone has some tips on how to proceed.


Take a scene that is in normal daylight with normal people, not particularly tanned or adventurers or something.

First, you should turn the color saturation to zero.

Then brightness maybe at 2/3 of the maximum value

Contrast then gradually increase, pay attention to whether something is outshined.

If the black-and-white picture is right for you, you'll increase the color saturation that makes the skin tones look natural.

TV too pale, not a deep black

Also check if something is outshone anywhere. Do not expect too black.


By the way, what you describe is too little contrast.


Thanks guys, I keep playing. Color comparisons are nice but unfortunately I can only do that. Set menu and there blaupunkt leaves no image for comparison, every time a procedere

What surprised me is that, for example, Netflix in the menu has a good black and the movie is suddenly bad. Maybe it's because it is an app and only the content then jump to the color setting?