Netflix thinks I'm in a different country. Tips on how to fix it?

- in Movies

After I closed my account so that it would not be automatically debited from my PayPal (shortly before debiting) and then reactivated it with a gift card, my Netflix is somehow completely confused. It thinks I'm in the Netherlands (Help> Member "Country / Language - NL / de-NL) and gives me the appropriate series / films to choose from. All the series and films on my list that I have specifically chosen next, However, they are not available there, so I drew quite a * rschkarte. I did not use VPN, proxy or other things, by the way.

After contacting support, they said the account will automatically recognize it and put me on Germany when the time comes. After 5 days, however, I slowly lose my patience for the fact that the Turkish Netflix was recognized and used within 1 minute during a holiday in Turkey and the normal and familiar German again immediately on the return trip / arrival in Germany. The alternative is to wait until the balance in my account expires in 2 months and then contact Netflix support again so that they can deactivate and reactivate my account independently. Unfortunately, I don't have that much time and the waiting time was certainly not worth my money.

The question now remains: what to do. Would it even help me to use a VPN and set it to Germany? Of course, I have already done the help article on Netflix's Support Center "Netflix thinks I'm in another country" and I can prove that I'm definitely not in the Netherlands or something similar. I'm sitting here in Baden-Württemberg. How is Netflix so far from it anyway? Well, I hope someone can help me, because that bothers me a lot, especially since my money is in here!


Just use a different device.