Gift for the 21st For my husband?

- in Movies

My husband is on August 30, he will be 21.

I've been thinking for months what I can give him because he is more like someone he does not put much emphasis on it he is happy as any other but now has not something where he can say that I would like.

He likes to watch movies (very much) but we have netflix for that.

Is otherwise very much like home, he has not really special preferences except to watch movies and sometimes to the movies only if something is good but.

He works in a 3-shift system.

And we actually need a car which we get now in December also.

I thought maybe something like a scooter or moped as the things also hot to give then he can work with it until we have a car and maybe in between when it is a short way or something where a car is now not urgently must go.

But he would then have to do a driver's license for it, right? Then that would be a stupid gift.

Boa I'm really overwhelmed.


Give it time. Tie a rope around your neck and make yourself naggish, he'll be happy about that.


Of course you also need a driver's license for a scooter. And also for a car you need a driver's license. Why not just give him the money for the driver's license.


You can drive a scooter with a normal driver's license.

The question is, if he would use the thing too? Many years ago I also got a part and used a total of 0x.

Would not a bicycle make sense?

Otherwise, I would have suggested a short break. But if he is rather the type of couch potato, he probably will not enjoy it much.

But if he's a movie lover, why not go to the Filmpark Babelsberg?


At a vacation I thought only but unfortunately he is not the type for it. I think such a great one that you can drive to 45 km or 50 would be perfect for him have tried a bike but it was too strenuous because of the mountain


He has it every day is nothing special and just now and my body is currently not so beautiful due to a pregnancy


Driving license class B he already has


With class B he is also entitled to drive a scooter. But if the scooter is not needed any more, as soon as the car is there, then it's a waste of money. Look at Jochen Schweizer, I like to give my girlfriend things that we can do together. We were in Amsterdam for your birthday.


To help! I would personally get the crisis if my friend always sits around at home.

Do not belong here.

Then of course it will be hard. If you have the money for a scooter, maybe a new TV? Projector?

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