Watch movies without prior ratings on Netflix and Prime?

- in Movies

When I look at some pages to see which new films have been added to Netflix and Prime, such as, the imdb rating or another rating is often included.

However, I would like to watch films completely impartially. If I immediately see that a film has a rating of 5 out of 10 on imdb, I usually no longer watch it and look for the next film.

And Amazon Prime usually has its own rating directly.

That makes it fun for me to discover new films, whom I know straight away, many have rated it good / bad beforehand. I would like to see films as good or bad with an open mind.

Has jm. Pages or ways how I can directly prevent such ratings in my browser?


If you want to be unbiased, why not just ignore other people's opinions? I've seen great series that were badly rated. I prefer to make my own picture.


If I see beforehand that a film has been rated 5.4 on imdb, I subconsciously have a negative attitude that spoils my fun.

Until the current situation, I went to a weekly sneak preview. I always found it very nice to discover a film without any prior knowledge.

I just strongly notice this difference, which I put on the "prior knowledge".

Mo has no ratings.

And just try not to be influenced by other people's evaluations. Many people are idiots and often rate films and series as very good or bad because they are either haters or pushers / fanboys.


You can work on that! What do you care about other people's opinions?