Netflix Short Film Wanted loss and gaining a countenance?

- in Movies

A few months ago I even saw a short movie on Netflix a year ago, I do not know if he's still there, but I wanted to know his name. It was a cartoon about the loss and the acquisition of an object I know that person lived alone in a house in the movie. In addition, I still remember the scene where he had to dive around the object again. He went so about the 15 minutes.

I know it sounds very funny but probably one of you knows the movie I would be happy if I called the movie.


The film is called "The house of small boxes

Other information: The man lived in a small house in the middle of the sea. In order to escape the rising water level, he has repeatedly built another floor on the house. He has reminisced a lot so you could see the place before the water rise. At some point in the middle of the short film, his pipe fell into the water, sinking into the sunken dark house interior ruins.

Best animated short film? Na Nancyjourney
What can I do now? is isaacCallous