Life as in Mafia movies?

- in Movies

Do you know that, you are watching a mafia movie or I'm currently watching the documentaries and series on Netflix about the drug cartels in Mexico and Colombia and you think how gladly you would trade your dull life for a dark but alive life with wealth, power and respect. Even as a teen, when I'm the godfather & co. After that, I was always in my own dream world after that.


It's the same with me, but it's not that easy


Think one of us would already be dead if we would become a member only a few years ago. I think you have to grow in there. The Mafia does not even write in the media that they are still looking for people.


No, I do not know that. It is antisocial to enrich yourself at the expense of others, and as a mafiosi you are surrounded by other violent antisocial people. If you're unlucky, your colleagues will kill you, or maybe just your kids. You earn money by selling lethal drugs to addicts. The dream of a "dark but alive life" is pretty silly.


Do our politicians do something different? They become wealthy, do virtually nothing for it and stuff their pockets full of our money… In addition, some politicians certainly go over corpses.

And anti-social people… Well look around, humanity is becoming more and more selfish. First, check out the commercial days of Christmas and New Year's Eve. I work in the retail trade, when we opened the door, 20 people rushed in, an older lady stumbled and they all kept running… The main thing is that they get their stuff. And that's just one example of many.

Dangerous drugs? You certainly have alcohol or cigarettes at home. I myself do not drink a drop after my dad's father died of alcohol. A few of my clients have already died because of alcohol. My own father is alcoholic. My aunt died of lung cancer… Some drugs are legal and others illegal. The legal drugs but stuffs the retail and especially the state of the pockets full.

Only in the sense that I will surely be killed someday I give you one hundred percent right. But if you get shot, get a stroke, or die normally… Fact is, we all have to die


Hmm I would have a problem because then the life of my family and friends would be in danger

And I would also have trouble killing or witnessing innocent people who have seen something


Haha yes… He was a poor farmer, his whole fam, then it was less about money, of course, but the price was not so high, it was all about respect, power, and contacts that clarify everything that a normal citizen does not get, Something luxury just. I've never met my Uhropa or his brother, but everyone pissed in front of them and that makes your life easier, killing was more normal then as it is today.


Of course I would be scared of friends and family too. But killing people I do not know… I honestly have to do it first before I judge.

Tsunami, 9/11 & other catastrophes are always the most important thing for me, because it affects people I do not know


That just has to be cool. I have so ne film in the head of The Godfather. Where Vito Corleone wants to run across the street without looking, a car driver brakes in time and honks with rage. Vito turns to him, as the driver recognizes Vito, he frightens and puts the car back to make way for him. Just because he has scared / respect for him. So divine


Haha yes


Yes, our politicians do it differently. As a prime minister you deserve very well, but you will not get rich. Mr. Wulff was acquitted of his home loan discrepancies - so he needed a loan and, of course, did not let the people who investigated him get killed. As a normal member of the Bund or Land, it is also not about "pocket with our funds vollstopfen". That "some politicians certainly go over dead bodies", is free from the air. Are you trying to rush politicians here? And that as an argument to glorify the mafia? My goodness.

During the discussions here in the forum, I almost only meet very social people who have a heart for the problems of others. If you do not get it right now, but rather live in artistically exaggerated movie worlds, I recommend you some Winnetou movies or "Some like it hot".

If you want to get respect and prestige and live a risky and exciting life, you can train in the Sudan as a mine-clearer. If it goes totally wrong, you are dead, but then no child is mutilated, which has held the mine for toys.

But if you do not want to be dissuaded, you can apply to the mafia. The apprenticeship takes 3 years. Of course, there's no exam from the Chamber of Commerce, but it's enough if you make one of your nephews drug addicted to deal with you.


Some people are really no longer normal in the head. As you ask a normal question and you only get insinuations. I have a strong suspicion that some even here are not even able to discuss. Why do not people just keep scrolling?


You're quite right. I almost think some of the respondents have almost as much fun as the questioners. How should there be only serious discussions…