Netflix subscription with voucher code?

- in Movies

There are these voucher codes. With which e.g. Good can buy apps in the AppStore. This is a Google code and then you can "shop" in the PlayStore.

These codes are also available for the Switch, X-Box etc.

And also for Netflix. Can I "only" buy films or pay for the monthly subscription?


Buy subscription

I think netflix only offers subscriptions


It is not possible to buy individual films from Netflix, so you can only pay for the monthly subscription.


Okay… Can I do that monthly? And does not have to provide bank details etc?


You do not need to enter any bank details, you can pay for the Netflix subscription monthly with a voucher code


So there aren't films like AmazonPrime for which you have to pay something extra?


Okay… Then you don't have to "cancel", if the credit is gone, it's gone.


I agree




Okay, I want to register for the trial month now. But they want the voucher code from me. But I don't have one, I just want to try Netflix first


You have to enter it beforehand, so far I have only paid for the Netflix subscription with bank details and I had to register with the bank details for the trial month, because you can cancel Netflix in the trial month and pay nothing but if you forget it then automatically debited for the next month. And you can also transfer that to the voucher code


So I can't do the trial month without providing my data? Or I have to buy a voucher code =? But then it's not free. Because I do not want to provide any data about me


You have to buy a voucher code beforehand