How do you like Sweet Home?

- in Movies

On December 18th, Sweet Home came on Netflix.

I already knew the Webtoon (but didn't read it to the end. Was last at Chapter 89 or something) and found it really good and was therefore super hyped for the series.

I'm done with episode 5 now and I think that the series even surpasses the Webtoon, which surprised me, because most of the time I don't think the films are as good as the original.

How do you like the series & did you already know the Webtoon?

And please no spoilers if you are already done, because as I said, I never finished the webtoon and therefore don't know the end itself xD


I didn't know Webtoon yet, but I think the series is very good


Unfortunately, I haven't read the Webtoon yet, but I'm watching the series at the moment and I find it really interesting