Alien 1979 HD Remastered?

- in Movies

I saw the 1979 cult movie ALIEN on Netflix yesterday. This had an incredibly high resolution and "graphically" looked like a film from the last 5 years. How can that be? I already googled whether there was an HD remastered or a new film adaptation, but only came across fanmades… And if there's an HD remastered, how did they do it and what is the technology behind it? This is really awesome and I would like to learn more about it.


This is what all the films look like in uhd. I saw such a 4k player, yesterday apocalypse now. Hammer


Ok, but the film was probably shot in 1979 with a poor resolution analog camera. How can it be so scaled up without using a program to rework the textures? I know there are fanmades where this was done but I haven't found anything about an official remastered.


At the time, Alien was of course filmed in analog format - with Panavision cameras on 35mm film. In order to bring it to the Ultra HD medium, the 2018 theatrical version was resampled from the original negative in 4K.


That's awesome. Unfortunately I do not know that either. But with the uhd resolution everything looks much better. Even my 20 year old dvds


Top explanation


Even then, the original master tapes were of a significantly higher quality than the one with which they were then "enjoyed" on TV or from the VHS recorder. If these are still available, you can use them to produce correspondingly high image quality today.

You have to keep in mind that a lot of the old hams were also shown on a movie screen.

In addition, an analog technology that knows no limitations such as "pixels", at least not from the camera side.


Analog cameras have no resolution, the limitation is the film material.


So it just seems so hot, doesn't it?


I just read your statement. Everything is clear


The film was shot on 35 mm analog film. The resolution (or the quality of the details) of this film is therefore over 4K

You just had to re-scan the film in 4K. (Parts that might have been necessary were of course then digitally restored)


Thanks for the explanation. Learned something again.


The resolution was more related to my 4k television or player


No on the contrary.

A digital camera can only store a certain amount of information with the photo sensor. It has a physical limit, the number of individual photoelectric areas. The distance between these areas determines how high the resolution is and how much individual information can be stored.

An analog camera, on the other hand, sees ALL information. If you let any subject fall through optical lenses that reduce it infinitely, then even the smallest imaginable ray of light still contains all of the information from the original image.

Only the storage medium represents a physical limit to what is feasible. And with film strips with a width of 65mm there's more than enough space for a lot of information.


Thanks for the explanation. You say you know that because of your studies. Sounds interesting, what are you studying if I may ask?


Shot with an analog camera with poor resolution

If there's no resolution, you can't shoot with a "poorer resolution".


That's too high for me but thank you. I'm a film fan, you the technology expert. Top


Education: radio and television technician. You know a bit about sound, hi-fi, TV, home cinema and image reproduction ;-)


No, I'm only a movie fan, but I know the difference between analog and digital.


Wow I'm really doing the wrong thing professionally…


But something of. Goil


Yesterday I felt the same way with a film from the end of the war in 1945!

I tip that there are already corresponding A.I.s who "do it on their own"?