Use Netflix and then cancel?


Can you pay and use Netflix for a month and then cancel it and then, if you want to use it again at some point, pay another month and cancel at the end of the month?


Sure, of course!


Of course that is possible.


I don't really understand the question? Of course you can basically terminate the contract without notice and start again at any time. The only question is what you want to do with it, especially since the free months are no longer available.


Yes, if you don't forget


I actually only use it in phases. Now in the next two months e.g. If I had interest and time for it, but from February I will probably not use it for a few months and then I will continue to pay anyway. I would rather cancel it for the time being and then subscribe again in the summer if you want to use it. Do you understand?


Oh yes. Makes total sense like this. I should also think about that lol, my Netflix and Prime Video bob about 95% of all days.


It would be enough to cancel one day before the date I subscribed a month ago, right?


Right, 24 hours before

What can I do now? is isaacCallous
What should I do now? Fo Forgery695