Should I do what my father wants?


I haven't had a shower for two weeks in w13 and haven't brushed my teeth anymore. I never changed clothes. I smell like sweat. I can't even eat with my parents. They forbade me. I weigh 66 kg and have difficulties when moving my body. I haven't been out for three weeks. My father also says that I should go to bed at 11:00 p.m. But I prefer to watch Netflix headed should I listen to the father?


Do what you want and enjoy yourself. You could try it out if you enjoy walking outside and whether you enjoy showering. I enjoy showering when the water temperature is 34 degrees. If you don't want to, you don't have to do anything, just let the water run over your body. If you go for a walk outside, e.g. Early in the morning at sunrise, the streets are empty and there's a beautiful, delicate atmosphere, without hectic or annoying noises.


It is disgusting and unsanitary who someone from your friends would see or smell like that if you had no friends anymore you have no self-esteem anymore if you think that this is cool or normal please go to the doctor your parents I fully understand that so that you learn to care for what belongs to normal everyday behavior of a 13 year old or do you want to be mopped up sometime because you are completely rotten


Yes, in any case. And tomorrow in the shower. 66 kilos don't have to be much, depending on how tall you are. And you probably have less difficulty moving because of the weight, just because you don't.

The decision not to let you eat is right.


Are you on vacation again?

Go to the psychologist…

I hardly believe that your parents are so dull and only succinctly say that you should no longer eat with them. And if it is, then it is probably time that the youth welfare office intervenes with you.


If you neglect your personal hygiene as much as you describe, you will get sick. Your skin becomes contaminated with sweat and dirt, so that it can no longer breathe, you will get pimples and other skin diseases and stink.

I don't want to speak of the hair at all, it will drip with fat and stink. Your teeth will rot and tooth decay, you will get terrible pain.

If you always wear the same dirty clothes, you stink against the wind, everyone goes around you, you are marginalized and you are badly talked about.

A father can't want all that? Does your father ask you to stop showering, wash your hair, brush your teeth and move?

Are you overweight? Can't you move so well because of that?

Why does your father say you should go to sleep at 11pm? You are 13 years old and go to school, so you have to get up early and go to bed at 8 p.m! Then why are you watching Netflix? I don't understand all of that. There's something wrong with you at home. Go to the youth welfare office or call there and describe your situation so that you can be helped.