Need help regarding Netflix, my mom and Tokyo Ghoul?


I'm 12 and can see things from 16. I'm on 10 episode Daredevil and my mom doesn't want me to see the 2nd stage. No problem. She wants to watch the 10 episode with me. No problem. But then she sees that I'm watching Tokyo Ghoul. That might be a bit too brutal for her to allow it without further ado. How can I get it off the "continue to look" list and generally cover it up?


Log in to the PC and delete the history.


You have to rewind to the beginning of the first episode, that's how it went with ir


Depending on which device you are watching, you can, for example, press the three dots next to the series on your mobile phone, which is listed under Watching, and then press "Remove from list".


Switch between Darker Than Black and Tokyo Ghoul. Both look similar in terms of color scheme without further consideration. If she doesn't even notice, then move on to a Ghibli classic. That should make an impression.

Edit: Answer relates to television

Otherwise salmon roll is right.


For all episodes or just the first?


Can that also work on a television?


I'd rather say that everyone else still says that you can keep looking


I can't tell you that. If not, just log into your cell phone / PC and delete it there. Then it's gone on the TV too.


OMG, thanks, it worked!