21: 9 monitor (3440 x 1440 pixels) or 16: 9 curved monitor with 4k resolution?


The price is almost the same. The 21: 9 is a bit cheaper. Is worth the 21: 9 format (disadvantage not 4k but very close to it, so higher than normal WQHD, as in the title recognizable) or rather a normal 16: 9 with 4K (advantage curved and slightly higher resolution, if you are there As a layman I do not know a difference in the resolution.

So my question is: 21: 9 monitor (3440 x 1440 pixels) or 16: 9 curved monitor with 4k resolution. Both are 32 inches tall. What would you decide for?

It's all about gaming and watching videos (Netflix and youtube).

Please only answer if you have idea and not as a layman as I'm.


In terms of gaming, do you also gamble the hardware for 4k?


Yes my pc already packs the most games on 4k. If I upgrade him in the future anyway. The only question is, is that a big difference between 3440 x 1440 pixels and 3,840 x 2,160 pixels. And what about 21: 9 does that offer real added value?


Maybe pixel fanatics will notice a difference, but in the normal gamble, etc. Will you notice no difference, I think. Can you take what you want!