No signal on the TV (cable)?


Since this morning I have no signal on the TV, neither analog nor digital. Last night, everything was still supple. Cable provider indicates there's no interference and neighbors also have reception. Cable between cable box and TV, I have already changed, no improvement. TV disconnected from the mains and svhon times back to factory settings. No change. Internet connection is available (Netflix and Co run without problems). When searching, no stations are found. I do not think it's the TV. How can I find out now, where the problem lies?


Spontaneously I think of 3 possibilities, the junction box of the neighbor below you, your own, and the tuner card of your TV!


Thanks, any idea how I can test if it is the junction box (2.TV unfortunately not available)? The apartment below me is empty for about 2 weeks.


Music system with coaxial connection?


Unfortunately not. Unfortunately, nothing except a laptop


Oh, I completely forgot. The antenna cable was attached to the DVD player and connected to the TV. Even with the DVD player ken signal. Have the cable then plugged directly into the TV. Then it should not be because of the TV, right?


Joop is there!


You will only find this out by connecting your TV to the neighbor, as there will be a nice neighbor!

Sonos 5.1 with pc? Ni Nicole760