Exemption from broadcasting fee?

- in Free

Please don't blame me, but I'm slowly getting the faxes thick.

I know I'm a little late, but the analog cable TV was turned off here. Now I have switched my television to digital in order to be able to see "many channels in HD quality".

Well, 95% of the almost 300 channels can only be seen with a "CI module" and
those that can be received free of charge, e.g. The public ones are in 576i format - the same 50 year old PAL resolution as the analog cable.

When we talk about HD today, we mean at least a resolution of 1080p. 720p or even 576i have lost nothing these days.

Where is the progress, please?
Why has the analog cable been turned off now when digital cable TV uses the same old-fashioned standards in the age of 4K TVs?

I also had to get upset with DVB-T and DVB-T2, because DVB-T had a worse signal than the analogue antenna television and after a few years the next DVB-T2 standard came to have to buy a new raffle again nothing is better.

Or the great DAB radio, which was once expanded and hardly works.

And that's why I've now all connected my televisions to streaming services (Netflix, Youtube) and disconnected them from television, and I haven't had any radio for a long time, because I can do without the repetitive doodling of charts.

I don't want to pay a license fee if I no longer use it.

I have nothing against taxes and payments to the state, which also have a use, I'm gladly ready, but then I do not want to co-finance such senseless projects.


The fee is due per household. You will NOT get a release.

But you have a car radio / cell phone, media can also be played on it


You can't avoid the contribution. You could use the service! If you don't want to and don't do that, that's your problem.


The car radio only plays from USB and the mobile phone no longer has an FM radio either.
You pay money that is invested in new technology that does not offer any added value compared to the previous one with the fee.


You can't refuse to pay the license fee as it is a household tax regardless of the devices operated.

You can also watch all the channels over the Internet, nobody forces you to use a TV. The public ones all have media libraries and live streams and the radio stations can also be streamed via the Internet.


I could do so many things and I won't. For example, I could fly an airplane. Do I have to pay a kerosene fee even though I'm not flying?


Every year 210 euro for nothing, very nice. But thanks for the answers anyway.


It is a BUDGET CHARGE. Regardless of the devices you use. You can't get around it anymore. Gone are the days when you had to and could specify which devices you really used, that was abolished when the GEZ was renamed as Rundfunkbeitrag.

So your request comes a few years too late.


What a stupid comparison! You at least know immediately where you are and can save yourself further answers.


The comparison lags enormously.

you fly as a pilot - you even get paid for it. The passengers pay the kerosene fee


To be honest, I don't understand your technical problems. I watch digital television via DVB-T 2 with antenna and see everything in HD quality. Maybe you should have a radio / TV / antenna technician come over to whip everything up for you.

Incidentally, you can't be exempted if you do not use the public radio / television program. This was also not possible in the past with the device-dependent license fee. Today, with the radio license fee that is dependent on living in an apartment, that is certainly not possible. It doesn't even matter that you have devices that you have undisputed.