How to know if you are using the Netflix trial month?


I signed up for Netflix 2 months ago, but I only used the trial month.

I wanted to do the whole thing again, but I used a different email. However, I'm unsure whether I'm looking for a fee now

Can jmd please help me and is there a way to see if I'm already watching for a fee?


If you paid money it was chargeable.
If not, then not.


So you can see whether money has been deducted from your account… Did you create a completely new account or just changed the email?


It was by direct debit

I'm not at home at the moment and therefore can't know


Just changed the email, kept the rest.

Was also by direct debit, which is why it is not possible with the account balance


If you only change the email, then it is also subject to a fee. The trial month is related to your account and not your email.


Search for a bill. I don't have Netflix, I just came across the following from a help page:
You should see two bills. One from the last, one from the current month.