Broadcasting fees good or bad?


Everyone has to pay broadcasting fees and many hate it.

the fees are even higher than those for Disney + or Netflix

What's your opinion? And more importantly why?


With the compulsory levies, we finance harmful, dangerous propaganda and our own stupidity every day, provided that you actually expose yourself to it.

There's no comparable concept in which EVERYONE is automatically liable to pay (without having signed a contract or otherwise requesting benefits) solely on the basis that the latter is employed and resident in Germany and technically only has the theoretical possibility of offering the radio to claim something.

If you would also agree to pay a monthly fee to the pizza maker around the corner, just for the theoretical possibility of ordering a pizza there, please raise your hand.


Broadcasting fees are an absolute insolence, especially because it is a flat rate that is completely independent of the actual use… Whether the TV is on all day or (like me) half an hour of ironing a week, that doesn't matter Difference. You always pay this rip-off fee.


Comparing the stations that are financed with Disney says a lot.



I don't watch live TV because of junk, constant advertising, poor quality etc., so why should I pay broadcasting fees? This fee is really the very last!


I hardly use the offer of public law and find it unfair to have to pay for it. But I have to, that's why I do it.