How should I ask my parents if I can get Netflix?


How can I persuade my parents to buy Netflix?


Convince her that from then on you will always be nice and nice and above all that you will help with the household.


I'm already doing that haha


Hey How much pocket money do you get? At many petrol stations of your choice (with me Total) there are Netflix gift cards. You don't even have to provide a bank account. 25 euro per card. You can tell your parents about this and maybe tell them that you will pay it with your pocket money. That would have to be enough for 3 months for a basic subscription if I haven't miscalculated. All you have to do is enter the code. Super easy and no data is needed from your parents. Just ask her. Nobody can say anything against that.


Say you want to share it with someone and you do half half, maybe you will. But then you really have to ask someone.


I get 20 euro pocket money


Yes then take that as an argument.


Ask them if you can get a 5 euro advance payment and then get 5 euro less the next month. In the next few months you'll have Netflix anyway. Or ask them very kindly if they can pay you a part and explain to them that you don't even need their data.