Sell fanart? Legal? Copyright?


I'm a hobby artist and would like to earn a little extra with my art, and I have a question.

If I paint a fan art of "famous" people, can I sell it on the Internet, or does it violate any copyright law?

E.g. Soccer. For example, if I 3 Bayern Munich players paint as they cheer and so on, leaving out the logo, so only the players in the red jersey can be seen. Would that be allowed? Or then Bavaria comes to me and says "Ey you make money with the faces of our team. Take that out. Warning"

Or would the faces themselves be allowed, since they are public figures?

Or example Netflix. There are countless popular NEtflix series. May I e.g. Paint and sell a picture of 3 actors from House of Money, or do I get trouble from the production company?

There's no logo or anything. But just the 3 faces of the 3 people. Or is the face of the actor already protected by copyright? I hope you all know what I mean.

Nice WE to everyone, and thanks in advance for the help.


If these are new works and not a signed photograph, then you can sell them.


I would be very careful look under the link:

House of money is e.g. Protected under patent law and purely legally you would have to ask the lawyer for permission…

da § 22: "Portraits may only be distributed or publicly displayed with the consent of the person depicted."

Exception according to Art Copyright Act, Section 23, Paragraph 1: "(1) Without the consent required under Section 22, the following may be disseminated and displayed:

Portraits from the field of contemporary history; […] "

And there's an exception to this exception in paragraph 2:

"(2) However, the authority does not extend to a dissemination and display that violates a legitimate interest of the person depicted or, if he has died, his relatives."

Presentations for reporting and expressing opinions (e.g. Caricatures) are generally permitted.

When marketing images only for the purpose of exploiting the familiarity and / or popularity of the depicted, "a legitimate interest of the depicted" could outweigh your legitimate interest in reporting on the "areas of contemporary history" and expressing your opinion; ).

But in the event of a dispute, the courts called will decide…