Netflix and payl bank account?


I want to get netflix. PayPal account is set up. Now I have to confirm my bank account with a 4 digit code. This was sent to my bank account. Where can I get this code from. Do I have to go to my bank? Do I have to look on the Internet what am I doing?


Looking online comes from a small transfer.


Just have the same problem with my bank account


I know that PayPal pays you a cent and then writes your code in there. If you have online banking you can look there, otherwise on your bank statement


If it's the code I think it is, it's on your excerpt. You were paid a cent so it should be somewhere.


If you have online banking, you can see it there in the account overview or in the account statement. There should have been a PayPal transfer of over 1ct (if not, it will arrive later). The code is used for the purpose of this transfer.

If you do not have online banking, you will need to get an account statement from the bank.