Who knows a good book recommendation for me?


I'm male and 16 years old, I would like to read about the summer holidays 1-2 books (as a goal as a goal, because I always like to do without media such as Netflix on vacation). So my question, does anyone know a good book?

Books that interest me would also be biographies of people doing something like Stephen Hawking, though I think his biography is a bit too difficult for me to read.

But also novels, from the field Since fiction or something like that interest me.

If someone knows a good book, I would be happy about a recommendation.

sry if there are any grammar / spelling mistakes, but hey wants to read that too.


Difficult to recommend what.

Look around in a bookstore. Read in a book. And then you decide.

I notice on the first pages, if I can read the book.


Maze Runner
The Hunger Games
Are both science fiction, but there are 3 books each.
But believe me, as soon as you read one, you want to read everything anyway.


First a big praise from my side that you want to spend your holidays with books.

My recommendation:

Wolfgang Hohlbein - After the big fire. Very exciting and makes you think. Is the genre associated with sci-fi