Headphones on TV do not work?


It has a clearly marked headphone output on the back, but when I plug in my working headset to watch Netflix, it doesn't work. Netflix is pre-installed on the TV. When I plug in the headphones, the sound comes through the TV speakers normally. There's also nothing to be found in the settings. Is the connection broken?


Check the sound menu to see if there's a separate volume setting option, this is the case with many televisions so that the volume can't be adjusted using the volume key. To switch off the TV speakers, you must then set the volume to 0


Unfortunately not, could send you a picture or video of the settings in a moment.


You can do that here via the answer function, if you have posted this then write me this via comment so that I get a message.

You can also give me the exact type designation of the TV, then I'll look for the instructions


Oh, I was just in the boxes again and somehow I overlooked the fact that it was set to surround sound. Well happens every time ^^


Not every headset also works as headphones, try a completely different or "correct" headphone without a microphone with only 3 contacts on the plug.


Thanks for the star, greeting andie


No problem ^^