Connect TV to headphones?


Before that, I always watched Netflix with my console and could plug in headphones on my controller. Now I no longer have this console and I'm not used to looking without headphones because there are people in my household, family etc. And I usually never hear anything right.

Can I connect with Bluetooth headphones or Airpods? Otherwise, is there a gadget you have to buy to watch headphones?


If your TV can bluetooth…


Well, what TV do you have?


And then can i connect? Isn't that just for cell phones or Wi-Fi?


I have to have a look.


Wi-Fi is not BT…

Which headphones do you have., BT, Kabel, Funk?


What is radio? I have wired headphones, but how is that supposed to work with kanel, is far too far and I also have Bluetooth headphones. Actually also a headphone where I have cable and Bluetooth. But where is the bluetooth TV located? I have a Sharp TV Full HD 40 inch Smart TV, I don't know exactly I'm still in bed. But I watched a TV that costs 500 euro with 4K, there's nothing about bluetooth


A Sharp TV that has no Bluetooth._. Can I get such an adapter extra?


Comedian… Then swing out of bed and look at the model name of the TV, it says on the back…

And instead of guessing here, google and download the data sheet / manual and have a look

You could also easily use a 10m cable…


Actually, you can connect all devices with bluetooth teeth.

You just have to read the instructions carefully, or if there's none, write the device data with the appropriate keyword in the Google line and there's enlightenment.
