Toslink on jack / RCA for headphones?


Hi, I got some radio headphones, which I connect to the TV (Smart TV Samsung NU8009). Since the TV has neither jack nor RCA, I have a Toslinkadapter (Prozor - DAC01) brought. The TV thus directly connected via the adapter with the headphones. If I turn on the TV in the television program on the optical signal, I have sound on the headphones. If I switch to Youtube, I also have sound. But if I switch to Netflix or Amazon Prime Video, the sound stays mute. Someone an idea why this may be?


He can't convert 5.1 to 2.0, with Netflix you can switch to 2.0, then it should work


I just tried once, unfortunately the same result. No sound at Netflix. Also not under 2.0.


Where does the Netflix / Amazon video, the TV, which TV come from?


TV signal comes from the Sky Box. Netflix and PrimeVideo come directly from the TV (Samsung NU8009). Thought it is because, but then Youtube should not go in my opinion, because that is also streamed from the net, directly on the TV.


Who can read is clearly in the advantage… In the manual found in the fine print "Not compatible with Netflix and Youtube websites." Where Youtube works yes. No matter… The converter just can't.