Can you record anything with the new modern TVs?

- in Free

So these modern high-tech televisions often have a recording function, but also the Internet and Netflix and other providers etc. Can you also record that? Or just things on the actual TV? There are quite a few things I want to see on RTL now and I would like to record them. Old films and series that I can't find anywhere else with certain actors that I like. Would like to try this free one-month trial version and then record everything. Is that possible? And if not, can you connect a VHS recorder to the modern TV and record it like this? Yes, I still have tapes at home… 😂😂


To watch TV you need a receiver on most TVs anyway, and almost all of them have a recording function.


A VHS recorder should be the better choice. Because it really only picks up the picture.

The recording functions via software are likely to deny DRM stations in particular. I don't know, there were always strong restrictions at HD + (no advance notice, weaving could not be cut out, …) I have no idea how it is now.

But my feeling tells me that a separate digital receiver with VCR function can do more than a television with built-in receivers.

But it always depends on the TV. The more pay TV, the more difficult. Free TV is rather easy.

Netflix and Co. Are unlikely to work with a VCR function on a television. Is not approved by them (that is not allowed).


Our now 2 year old SAMSUNG LCD TV only has HDMI, DisplayPort and optical input. There's no output for the signal shown in this model.
This "basic model" is also not suitable for using a recorder.

Therefore, it is not "possible" in such a general way to always be able to assume that the TV sets you have purchased now automatically include these functions.


Sure, not all TVs can record, but I would like to buy one that can!


Yes, I know, but when I stream something, it doesn't go through the receiver, but via the Internet, doesn't it? It is not a TV program. I can theoretically do it on the PC and I don't have a receiver there either


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