Netflix on Amazon fire TV Stick for free?

- in Free

Namely I have an Amazon fire TV stick and as you probably know, this Amazon fire TV stick now has these well-known apps such as Netflix or Amazon Prime, so my question was whether you know whether Amazon Prime or Netflix is actually free. Do you need a subscription? Do you have to pay monthly? I look forward to your answers


Of course you still need a subscription. Just because you are the Netflix app on your phone, it's not free.


You only have the app to use it, you need a subscription 🙈


Sure you need a subscription.


You need a subscription for both, you can test it for 30 days for free…


Without any subscription you won't have much fun with the Firestick. Both offer 1 month to test, then they want to see coal.

What are you currently doing with it?

Netflixabo costs monthly, with Prime you can choose whether monthly payment or annually. Both services are from 18.

Oh yes, there are more apps for it, like Disney + etc.

The public law apps can be used free of charge


I only use YouTube because, as I said, at Netflix etc. I didn't know if you had to pay extra…

But I bought the Amazon fire TV Stick BEFORE Disney +, but that's not free either, is it? 🤔 As I saw in the advertising, you can only test it for 7 days free of charge.


Disney + 7 days…