Charge Paypal without transfer?


I wanted to send money back to Paypal, but Paypal says there's not enough money on my Paypal account. Are about 10 euro too little. Why do I have to charge the money by bank transfer? My regular charges such as Netflix finally work without having a dime on the PP account?


You have to deposit your bank account, then Paypal automatically withdraws the money from the account and you can pay directly.


I have that. I can pay everywhere online like this. But returning money requires me to have the money in my PayPal account


Then the security software of Paypal has struck. Nobody knows the procedure. It could also happen to you that before the next subscription debit Paypal requires you to specify your credit card number.


And you verified the account? What does "send back" for you? Somebody sent you something and send it back? Is there an extra function for?

So I've already sent people money and that was always without credit.


What exactly does "return" mean? Which function do you want to use exactly?