Price of Netflix has been raised, but I still pay the 10.99 euro (via paypal), does anyone know why?


I noticed that recently when I went through my account activity via onlinebanking.

Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I set up in the beginning, that all invoices for Netflix over my paypal account run?

I can't explain it to me otherwise, that runs with me all over paypal with direct debit, the bill ansich paypal always settles.

Does one know if that is so ok?

If Netflix noticed, can I claim or cancel the amount retroactively or worse?

Because my fault is not it or not?


I think you have used a special offer at the conclusion of the contract and in the clause it is not affected by increases. Did not you cancel the confirmation email at graduation? Everything is in there.


At the next EXTENSION, existing customers pay more.
