Adhesive tape on gunshot wound?


I just saw a series on Netflix and I keep noticing that when someone is shot who holds a cloth or something on the gunshot wound, I wonder if you can't stick on a tank tape so 10 until the ambulance is there because it loses you don't have any blood at all, so if everything is sealed well or am I just bhd ๐Ÿ˜‚?


The second. I'm just saying stupid television. Fern


Bleeds anyway and runs into the muscles and other cells

Bind further up so that not much blood gets there


A gunshot wound runs like a tap. The tank tape would not hold at all. But what is a little trick are tampons. You can press it into the wound. They do not fluff, absorb and expand in the process.

It also always depends on the projectile, the weapon and the place of entry. With a cutting floor e.g. Tears pretty big wounds that can't be saved with the tampon trickโ€ฆ

Oh yes, and a shot in the leg is a trifle only in the film. In truth, it can be life-threatening because the femoral arteries run through the leg. If they are hit, that's it. It may also be that the bone splinters so much that you can never walk again.


How I really know: Was with the Bundeswehr for a long time and had first aid courses there


Will probably not work well