What does the anime community have against Netflix?

- in Anime

Many find it bad to watch Netflix.

But illegal sites are probably not more popular in any community than that of anime


I'm also an anime fan and actually have nothing against the streaming site Netflix. However, I can understand many there, because there are very few anime on this page. Even if there's an anime there it is mostly not finished btw there are not all seasons on Netflix and you have to wait or you look at Crunchyroll or Wakanim. As an anime fan, I find the streaming sites Wakanim and Crunchyroll best. There's a lot of anime there and most of them have appeared there perfectly.


But why are illegal sites not frowned upon in contrast to other communities?


I myself only get small complaints about people who use Netflix themselves. The bad German subtitles (just an example in an FB group) and that there are not all seasons of certain titles (e.g. Attack on Titan, My Hero Academia). Likewise, the selection isn't the biggest, but Netflix isn't an anime provider either.

Yes, the illegal sites. If you always see the answers here -.- You want to have every anime best on one page and of course it has to be free.


Do not know what you mean by that but well let me say what I think about illegal sites what many other fans see. Anyone who looks illegally does not support the anime producers and there are no more btw less animes, which then upsets the people. It's not ok. I myself accidentally looked at it accidentally, because I didn't know that Proxer.me was illegal. As soon as I knew it, I stopped looking at the streaming site.


Illegal sites are the worst


Bro, I do not know how it is with you, or what kind of forums you are in, but with us (means my Weeb friends and a few more Discord servers) you will illegally look at something like that because you are not the producer supports etc.


I have nothing against Netflix. On the contrary. I think it's good that Netflix is taking the trouble to upload anime to Netflix. Netflix has a fairly large selection of anime. Illegal anime is bad. For me, people who watch anime illegally are not weebs (anime fans). They supported that the anime industry went bankrupt because the anime industry got the money from legal streaming sites, merch, manga or DVD. Without money there are no mangas or new seasons. And then they are annoyed that the anime does not have any new seasons or generally no new anime. If it is not legal you have to wait for balance and every weeb does. There are enough legal sites. PS. Of course they still have material to produce mangas)


Yes, I also find xD


Yes, I see it myself so it's just bad what they do. Above all, they also care why so few anime btw the next seasons do not appear so quickly.


I have nothing against Netflix

The only thing I complain about is that they divide seasons incorrectly (see h x h or the seven deadly sins) or sometimes bring something like only the license for season 2 (as far as I have noticed)

Or that they once (also the seven deadly sins) just thought they had to change the synchro studio and then had over half of the characters a new voice…

Other than that, I have nothing against Netflix

And otherwise I'm still looking at Anime on Demand. He has a larger offer (I think not counted 🤔) and also offers many titles with ger Dub


I have never heard that… Just misery because people are not able to inform themselves correctly, which among other things is solved here by the users who answer the tireless questions.

Netflix bought the licenses and is therefore a legal platform. If not all licenses are purchased, there are legal or economic reasons.

If you are annoyed about non-existent content, you should get this anime through another legal way, be it another provider, on BlueRay / DVD or just as a manga. Hobbies and consumption are expensive.