Do you have suggestions for really good series?

- in Anime

It's a holiday and I thought that would be the perfect time to finally start a new series!

I have Amazon Fire TV and Netflix, but unfortunately I have not really found anything that appeals to me.

I have quite a few interests, I like cartoons like South Park and Bob's Burgers, anime, e.g. Seven Deadly Sins or Detective Conan, and also real series (my absolute favorite is Sherlock).

Actually, I like all genres, but I can't really do much with romance, unless it's not that important. But I would not look at a pure romance.

And horror is not mine ^^ '

So if you know a few really good series (maybe on Netflix) that I could take a look at during the holidays, then let me know ^^


Black Mirror is really good, there are several smaller films that do not hang together and Andrew Scott (Moriarty) also plays in one of the episodes. I think that was season 5, episode 2.


I do not know if you can watch them all there

Anime: High School DxD (if you do not mind breasts😉 Incidentally, this is my favorite series, which also has a good one, but you should not take it too seriously), Yu-Gi-Oh! Digimon (better version of Pokémon)

Cartoons (which are very good and funny, even if they are for kids and seem pretty weird at first glance): Phineas and Ferb, Welcome to Gravity Falls

Others: The Mentalist (funny, exciting and sad crime), Psych (sometimes maybe a bit too silly), Scrubs (just funny), Eureka (a secret city with the best scientists), Ally McBeal (crazy and similar to Scrubs just that it's with lawyers and sometimes a bit more serious)

Incidentally, I think Sherlock is good too


Comedy: Modern Family

Mistery: Stranger Things, Dark

otherwise: house of money


I completely forgot Love, Death & Robots! The series consists of many, produced by different studios consequences that have no connection. Very artistic and futuristic!