No entertainment apps?


My mom connected my google account with family link. That's right, she has full control over how long I've been on the phone, which apps I use…

I really would have liked Amazon Prime, Netflix, Amazon music, snapchat, insta… My mom says that I would waste my time and that I can become addicted to it and so on. But I think I'm old enough and mature enough to be able to control something like that. She did not even let me google translator: do you have any arguments for me?

Thanks in advance

PS: please do not answer this that it is unimportant and so what… That is also clear to me but I just think it would be nice to have the appd


In such a case, I would make a new Google Account and enter in the phone. Then delete old and ready! No control anymore


Does my mother then see that I have deleted it?


For the first, I would like to tell you that I find it very well K * ck what your mother deducts there with you. Krass. That's already true censorship as in these dictatorship states. I do not know how old you are concrete, but something almost borderline is a violation of your children's rights. I have absolutely no valid reason for why, for example. Something very useful as Google Translator should be banned for a child or even teenagers.

You should perhaps discuss this problem with a confidant, before whom your mother may have respect… Because something really is not as normal, caring parenting through. The woman is simply a control freak.

To solve your problem: You can easily create another Google Account. I also have two, one for work-one for private. (So if I browse in the presence of my colleagues something joblike, no one knows what's going on in my Youtube search history last party weekend * grinss.)

You can keep both your accounts and change as needed. If you are undisturbed, you just start "yours".

But please be so clever and invite you the apps that you may have, NOT down via Google Playstore with the monitored account, because then the things appear in the list and your mother is spitz quickly You have forbidden stuff on it.

Always well suited for the purpose is a public wi-fi. In addition, you're looking for a privacy or file manager app that can hide certain apps, so they do not discover the telltale icon while looking down on the screen of your phone.

You see… Hiding and defending his privacy is a challenge in itself - but such a hide-and-seek game can also be fun. Especially with such a hardcore opponent as your mother ;-)

L.G., maringo86


Small addendum to the apps hiding: If you have a Samsung or LG, that works without an extra app. Just open the app drawer and then on the three dots on the top right. You would then see a drop-down menu and select "Start Page Settings", and then in the "Hide Apps" list.

Do you have another device, then you can, for example, Get the app "Apex Launcher" from the Playstore.

Of course, you can google everything in detail… - just tap "hide android apps" (… Then delete delete search history, of course ;-)


P.S.: If you want to install "Apex Launcher", make sure that it is version 3.3.3. Is! The current one, which is in the Playstore is not the right one but catastrophic fake!