When will Crazy Rich be back on Netflix?


HI. I renewed my Netflix subscription to watch crazy Rich, because I only read that he came up with it 6 months ago. Does anyone know when it was taken down and if it will come back.


But you took your time…

The license has probably already expired.

I don't know when the film was taken down.

It's hard to say whether he'll come back.

Certainly not in the near future.


Had only seen it on Free TV yesterday and wanted to watch it again and Google said it was supposedly on Netflix. When does the film come down again (period)



You can't say about the period. Netflix buys films under license. When the license expires, the movie will disappear from Netflix. If Netflix buys the license again, the film will be back in the range. But whether and when Netflix will buy the license again is not officially announced.


Nobody knows, like you probably don't know Netflix at all.

It ran on Pro7 at the weekend. Presumably they now have broadcasting rights




The good thing is you can make a memory when the film is back