Netflix series Dope, how can I tell if real missions have been recreated?


I would like to know what you can see in such series, whether they are reproduced. E.g. Are unrealistic cuts a sign of this.

Especially with the Dope series, I would be interested to know whether the cameraman was actually involved in the operations or not.


Mostly it says "reenacted scene".


Has never been seen in this series.

There are many "unnecessary" cuts to make it all more interesting, but you can't really tell by that.

Your answer doesn't really help me. It's like when someone asks me about a computer problem if I have already restarted it.


It is neither your fault nor my fault that my answer does not help you any further. Some just don't see it and then have the "AHA effect". Usually there's really "original recordings" or "reenacted scenes" somewhere.