Philips 43PUS6703 vs Philips 43PUS6704?


Since my old television was disposed of because of "total economic loss", I now need a new TV. The question is something for one.

The Philips 43PUS6703 or the Philips 43PUS6704.

Since my grandparents already have the Philips 43PUS6703 and I set it up, I was very impressed by this TV.

Now I've found the Philips 43PUS6704, which is also nice but it costs me too much already. Only have ~ 390 euro available (with the Philips 43PUS6704 I just have to add a little something).

What do you say, which one I should take. Want one of the fast where I can watch Netflix and Youtube without it hangs and a good resolution


The lower price of the 6703 is probably owed / owed to its age.

I would not spend the inflated price on the 6704 just because it's the latest craze.

You can save money with an "outdated" model if you are ready to accept small sacrifices in quality / performance.


Yes, but the question is whether it will be produced and whether Saturn will still sell it. Since he has a silver frame and that was banned by the EU now yes.