IPaderborn or Surface?


I'm facing a big decision to change my everyday school life. I don't want to write on paper or anything anymore. Well, I looked a lot and there were just two big competitors: iPad and Surface. Well, I don't know which is better. Well, I would use it for school, maybe watch Netflix on the side and occasionally program small things using Vs Studio Code. What can you recommend me and which model (would use that almost every day).


Got the bigger iPad Pro and I'm 100% satisfied. Use 80% of it for school


IPaderborn is always the wrong choice.

Advantages of Apple are ease of use, disadvantages are the prices for EVERYTHING.

Microsoft has a small cost advantage and you are freer as a user. However, the disadvantage (depending on the type of use) is security.

I would recommend the Surface to you, especially if you want to program too. I think you have a bit of computer skills, so Windows makes more sense than iOS.


Thank you (Autocorrect turned iPad into iPaderborn ^^)