Is Netflix still worth it or are there already better providers?


I have to say I'm sick of Netflix. I pay the premium subscription with 18 euro from month to month and then it gets even more expensive. And it struck me that no more than 4 devices can look at the same time, strangely enough, I never got a message because of that, but now I couldn't look and had to wait for the others to get out.

And I don't have to say much about the bad assortment, I'll just say HypeHouse and that every good series will be canceled…

Would you recommend Netflix to others? If not, are there better providers?


They have a relatively good range and only for 18 euro. You also have to know that the licenses are expensive to keep or renew them for a long time

if you no longer like it, you can cancel it

Amazon Prime would be an alternative, or Sky


The kissing Booth and HypeHouse are a shame for being Netflix Originals. I can tell you more but thank you


Got all 3 Amazon netflix Disney

Can tell you after 6 months you are fed up with always looking at the same thing


I have now got the Sky Ticket and already have Amazon Prime and Netflix.

I have to say in the end it's not really worth it because most of the films are always the same on the different providers. Apart from the various extra functions.

I will now try to use only one provider and to switch again and again when the contract expires. So at least you always have a couple of new films and series that you don't know.

But I keep Netflix permanently because there's quite a large selection. Even if there are only very few very good or really new films. Which you (but don't know if Netflix already has it) like Disney + also have to buy extra.


Why should you want to use 4 devices at the same time? Account sharing is not allowed with any provider.

The contents are slowly but surely exhausted, it's now the third year and since hardly any films have come to the cinema, nothing interesting has followed. Downgrade to FullHD first saves money, yesterday I still booked Disney plus, there's actually a lot of new stuff. I also have Apple plus, but it's all just pay content.


That's your opinion not every series can be good for you


Account sharing is very easy with Netflix, there were no limits. Several people should be inside for 18 euro


What about mothers who have 3 children? And "it's not allowed period" doesn't mean it's good.


The hype house had a whole petition with over millions of signatures, because everyone agrees that Netflix wants the money, every little child should watch this series


I prefer prime video. Movies are free on Netflix, but Netflix is not. There's less for that. With prime Video, you usually have to pay for the films individually.