How can I become an actor at a young age?


I'm 14 years old and am going to the HTL. But since I do not intend to study this topic, I would like to give my real dream. I want to start acting at a young age. Unfortunately I don't know how to do that and what I have to do, I would like to come to Hollywood and get good roles. Maybe in a Netflix production. How do I have to do this?


Go to an acting school.

Then there's already a solution / possibility… Or maybe not!

You can make up for Hollywood right away!

You should stay realistic and not dream.


Do you play theater




Then apply to the drama school in Hamburg.

There's no direct route to Hollywood. They don't wait for Germans.


So you want to be an actor? Thats is quite easy! First you do your Abitur, then you apply to one of the major state universities and register for the entrance examination (AP). You pass this as one of around 700 applicants and are among the 20, maximum 25, that will be accepted. Then you work and fight like a savage, pass the annual transfer exams and after four years you are one of the 5-8 people who graduate. If you are very lucky, an agency or an artistic director came to your attention during your studies and you will get an Eleven contract at a theater for a year. With a little less luck you will get a piece contract somewhere for something and have work for a short time. With no luck you have your diploma in your hand (which is already very lucky anyway) and you can now go from audtion to audition or travel and hope that you will get a job somewhere.

For the time until you graduate from high school, you should above all look to learn as much as possible. For example, a theater group at school is helpful. You should also attend dance classes (jazz dance, modern dance, ballet - not everything, but one or two styles should be), and later also ballroom dancing. Martial arts are highly recommended for sports. In addition, you should read, read and reread - literature from antiquity to contemporary authors. Your German teacher will be happy to advise you - even on plays that you should watch several times during frequent theater visits. In the year before the AP, a course for rhetoric (= speech and lecture technique) at the adult education center, and a little training in music and voice training / singing at a state music school are recommended, since you also have to sing a song at the AP. The time until then will pass you by, if not too short.

Oh yes, any children's roles that you have played, or even participation in any television programs, will not only get you no further, but will not interest anyone later. These are just time robbers - robbers of time that you should better spend on further education, see above.

And one more thing, hundreds of thousands of girls and boys your age dream of a great career year after year, a handful manage to be able to work at work. Many who have completed the training never get beyond small roles and even more have to learn another profession later in order to survive.

The most important qualities you have to have for a stage job are discipline, a lot of discipline, toughness to yourself, perseverance and assertiveness, good general education and a little talent would not be bad either. You can only find out whether you have that from good teachers, sometimes from benevolent older colleagues. You learn nothing about it from teachers at school and the enthusiastic family.

Now sit down and take a look at the websites of the big and famous state drama schools on the Internet. There you will learn a lot more than I could briefly list here and then consider carefully whether the dream is really such a dream or whether it should not be one.

We don't even need to talk about Hollywood, because there you don't have to wait for German young professionals.

I definitely wish you all the luck in the world for the future!

best regards

Lilly "dance life"

Here is a list of the most important state drama schools in Germany:

Ernst Busch University, Berlin:

University of the Arts in Berlin:

Folkwang University in Bochum:

Folkwang University in Essen:

University of Music and Performing Arts in Frankfurt:

University of Music and Theater in Hamburg:

University of Music and Theater in Hanover:

University of Music and Theater "Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy" in Leipzig:

Bavarian Theater Academy "August Everding" Munich:

Otto Falckenberg School Munich:

University of Film and Television "Konrad Wolf" Potsdam

Wanted movie? 1? 1? di dizzymicrowave
Become an actor? ra rainaparched