Caught by the mother while smoking?


I only had to work from 10 to 14:00, I came home and expected my mother sometime at 18:00. I just felt like kaffing again, so I made pizza, smoked one and watched netflix. At some point, when I was in the middle of it, I heard noises from the keyhole below. I panicked the spray and sprayed my entire deodorant bottle empty. Did not work, I went down, because she looked already skeptical. "Why is it smelling like this?" "I do not know what you mean": D then this obligatory look me in the eye. Jo, it probably clicked right away. I expected the end of my life, but she just said something like "As long as you do not do this every day and not here in the house everything is cool"

But I can't act normally towards her anymore, it's hard for me to look at her because I feel so uncomfortable that she knows now that I smoke a cigarette from time to time. I also can't drink hard alcohol in front of her. Although I'm the biggest weekend alci of my circle of friends. Even in front of my grandmother with my grandpa drink something harder, but before my ma I can't even drink a knocker.

By the way, I'm 16, I know, grass affects the development of this. That was the first of the month. In addition, I consume only pure.

How can I handle this best? Should I do something different?


I think you should talk to your mom again and tell her how you feel about it. Maybe she did it herself before and knows how you feel. As long as she accepts it all is well, right?


You should not be embarrassed. You see, she has no problem with it in principle. Only when you try to cover it up and lie to her does she feel fooled. This then suffers the trust.

in itself you have clarified. Not every day and not in your house. Should be feasible.


Oh God, I feel with you, I'm only a few years older myself. Graskonsum is (unfortunately) relatively in vogue even here at the Gymnasium. But working at the age of 16 (training?) And being a part time limber and thug, as you say, is not healthy in the long run. I also knew such people and they have partly gone through a normal career so far, but have partly suffered a total crash and roof damage. Is also related to the parents' house.

As long as you have an open relationship, why not? I'm rather happy that there are still people today who have nothing to hide from their mother. But do not exaggerate: manchaml it does not hurt to go back a gear. Family activities instead of high life (haha, so ambiguous ), staying at home instead of weekend alcoholism, constructive hobbies instead of just watching TV, smoking and partying - but I do not know what it looks like in the end.

Behave to her completely normal, open and ready to talk. If necessary, show her that you can take responsibility.